K. Male'
06 Nov 2022 | Sun 10:09
Dhiraagu has generated MVR 202 million as profit of the third quarter of 2022
Dhiraagu has generated MVR 202 million as profit of the third quarter of 2022
Dhiraagu generates MVR 202 million as profit of Q3
Dhiraagu's expenses for the quarter reached MVR 282.9 million
Dhiraagu earned MVR 627 million as revenue for the third quarter
Revenue increased by one percent, compared to the previous year

Dhiraagu has generated MVR 202 million as profit of the third quarter of 2022.

According to the quarterly report publicized by Dhiraagu, the company earned MVR 627 million as revenue for the third quarter.

Dhiraagu highlights that the revenue increased by one percent, compared to the previous year.

Net profit and earnings per share decreased by 7 percent verses the prior quarter. This, Dhiraagu notes is primarily due to the increase in other income in quarter two, which is attributed to a refund of withholding tax from Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA).

Additionally, the Net Cashflow of the company decreased as a result of loan repayments, dividend payments and tax payments during the quarter.

Statistics shows that Dhiraagu earned MVR 316.9 million through mobile revenue and MVR 291 million as fixed and broadband services.

Dhiraagu's expenses for the quarter reached MVR 282.9 million.

Last updated at: 2 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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