Minister of Construction, Housing and Infrastructure Dr. Abdulla Muththalib has refused to meet with officials from Fahi Union, one of the associations that advocates most strongly for citizens' rights in the matter of the issue of flats and plots of land allocated under the Binveriyaa and Gedhoruveriyaa housing schemes.
A protest was held on Sunday morning in front of the Dharubaaruge, expressing concerns about the ministry’s failure to disclose the list of flats allocated under the Gedhoruveriyaa scheme. Speaking to RaajjeTV during the protest, Fahi Union President Ibrahim Noor said that a lot of work has been done so far on the issue of delays in releasing the flats, but there is a lack of cooperation from the government.
Shedding light on the government's statement that they are working to publicize the flat list before the upcoming fasting month of Ramadan, Noor said that many families want to move into the flats for Ramadan, and that they have submitted a letter to the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Infrastructure requesting the flat list to be published as soon as possible. He said that they also requested a meeting with the Minister of Construction, Housing and Infrastructure on behalf of Fahi Union.
However, the Minister of Construction, Housing and Infrastructure is to have refused to meet with Fahi Union, stating in the response to their letter that the refusal was due to his desire to proceed with the matter fairly.
Noor said that the result of the Minister of Construction, Housing and Infrastructure’s refusal to meet with representatives advocating on behalf of the people would not be good. He said this was an opportunity given for many citizens to question their sincerity and fairness.