K. Male'
14 Mar 2023 | Tue 16:45
MMPRC sponsored participation of the NBAM at Dive MENA Expo 2023
MMPRC sponsored participation of the NBAM at Dive MENA Expo 2023
Visit Maldives
Liveaboards and dive industry promoted at Dive Mena Expo
Dive MENA Expo has been one of the key dive events held in this region
The Expo was held in Dubai Harbour from 1st - 5th March 2023
MMPRC sponsored participation of the NBAM at Dive MENA Expo 2023

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC)has sponsored participation of the National Boating Association of Maldives (NBAM) at Dive MENA Expo 2023.

The Expo was held in Dubai Harbour from 1st - 5th March 2023. 

MMPRC states that the corporation sponsored NBAM for Dive Mena Expo 2023 in order to support and provide opportunities for Maldivian diving and liveaboard service providers to promote their products and services globally.

As such, sponsoring NBAM in this event comes under their strategy to support local stakeholders to reach the common goal of promoting the various segments and unique selling points of the Maldives globally. 

The corporation notes that sponsoring participation in this event helped them advertise and promote local liveaboards, the unique dive experiences that tourists enjoy in the Maldives, and create brand awareness for the destination to further enhance the reach into key potential markets.

Since 2008, Dive MENA Expo has been one of the key dive events held in this region.

MMPRC notes that the five-day event brought together manufacturers, suppliers, yachting elite, and customers seeking dive and liveboard experiences.

The Middle East consists of countries which are key markets to the Maldives which record over 1,675,303 arrivals to Maldives from January - December 2022.

MMPRC has been holding several activities for these markets last year, including participation in major fairs and marketing campaigns with travel trade. Ongoing activities for the Middle East include Cozmo Travel Campaign and Emirates

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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