K. Male'
09 Mar 2023 | Thu 16:57
MMPRC has taken part in the ITB Berlin fair after a three-year hiatus
MMPRC has taken part in the ITB Berlin fair after a three-year hiatus
president office
ITB Berlin 2023
MMPRC returns to ITB Berlin after a three year hiatus
Maldives was proudly showcased with a double-decker stand in a space spanning over 504 square meter at the Berlin fair
The Maldives’ ITB delegation this year was the largest one so far in MMPRC’s history, with 233 representatives
The fair was held from 7 March to 9 March 2023

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) has taken part in the ITB Berlin fair after a three-year hiatus.

ITB Berlin 2023 is the first of its kind that MMPRC took part physically after three years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The fair was held from 7 March to 9 March 2023.

The Maldives’ ITB delegation this year was the largest one so far in MMPRC’s history, with 233 representatives from 91 companies taking part in the fair.

ITB Berlin is the largest travel trade exhibition in the world showcasing over 10,000 exhibitors and visited by over 160,000 visitors including the travel trade and public. ITB Berlin covers all aspects of the travel and tourism sector including destinations, tour operators, airlines, hotels, bloggers and several other stakeholders from the industry.

Maldives was proudly showcased with a double-decker stand in a space spanning over 504 square meter at the Berlin fair, providing visitors with a glimpse into the breathtaking Sunny Side of Life.

MMPRC highlights that every aspect of the stand is thoughtfully curated to showcase the diverse segments of the Maldives' tourism industry, including romance, seascapes, and cultural experiences, among others.

The stand boasted 91 counters and 73 dedicated tables that offered industry partners the opportunity to engage in productive meetings and network with the global travel trade. The vibrant and colorful stand featured a range of unique experiences, including cultural performances such as traditional Maldivian dance, and gastronomy experiences that offered visitors a chance to sample Maldivian delicacies such as kulhi roshi and foni roshi.

Those who visited the Maldivian stand noted that as soon as they stepped into the hall where the fair was held, the Maldivian stand calls them through its sheer magnificence and beauty.

They went on to say that the stand alone makes them want to visit Maldives.

Visitors noted that they felt as if MMPRC and industry partners had carried the vibrancy and world-famous hospitality of Maldives right into Berlin.

On the sidelines of ITB Berlin, MMPRC hosted a dedicated ‘Maldives Media Meet’ press conference on 7th March and an exclusive ‘Maldives Evening’ networking event for trade professionals on 8th March at Grand Hyatt Berlin.

The "Maldivian Evening" is an annual networking event held during ITB Berlin that brings together German and international travel trade partners, media representatives, dignitaries, and other stakeholders to for a night of networking, celebration, and expression of gratitude from the Maldives’ for the support provided to our tourism industry.

With around 600 attendees, the event showcased traditional Maldivian dance and music performances, and offered the chance to win exciting prizes such as all-inclusive free trips to the Maldives, all while providing a glimpse into the Maldives' rich culture, heritage, and history.

The German market is one of the most lucrative markets for the Maldives tourism industry. Germany was the 4th highest source market in 2022 with an arrival figure of 133,424 tourists comprising a market share of 8 percent.

As of 28th February 2023, Germany is the 5th top source market to Maldives with an arrival figure of 22,995 with a market share of 6.6 percent.

2023 is shaping up to become a significantly successful year for the Maldives tourism industry with record-breaking daily arrival figures.

As of 28th February 2023, Maldives has welcomed a total of 350,413 tourists, a remarkable 24.8 percent increase compared to the same period in the previous year.

This year marks the first year that the Maldives is taking part in ITB Berlin after winning the title of the ‘World’s Leading Destination’ at the World Travel Awards for 3 consecutive years, as well.

MMPRC notes that Maldives has garnered a lot of interest, attention, and curiosity from the international travel trade community. As such, the corporation highlights that ITB Berlin provided the perfect opportunity for them to demonstrate why the Maldives is the world’s hottest destination.

Along with their industry partners, MMPRC networked with the German and international travel trade, shared the latest updates on Maldives' tourism products and experiences, conducted one-on-one meetings in-person and virtually, and strengthened the Maldives’ brand in the German and global market.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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