K. Male'
17 Mar 2017 | Fri 20:26
A seaplane operated by TMA.
A seaplane operated by TMA.
Trans Maldivian Airways
Zongshen eyes Maldivian seaplane trade
The Zongcheng Industrial Group (ZIG), a Chinese enterprise, has begun discussions to begin operating seaplanes in the Maldives.
ZIG is in talks with Trans Maldivian Airways, of which the US-based Blackstone bought a majority share in 2013.
TMA operates a fleet of 44 DHC-6-Twin Otter aircrafts throughout the Maldives.

The Zongcheng Industrial Group (ZIG), a Chinese enterprise, has begun discussions to begin operating seaplanes in the Maldives.

Zongcheng, which acquired 49 percent in the Canadian Harbour Air Seaplanes, is in talks with Trans Maldivian Airways, the largest seaplane operating in the country, of which the US-based Blackstone bought a majority share in 2013.

Said talks began this year, according to Zuo Zongshen, Chairman of ZIG.

TMA operates a fleet of 44 DHC-6-Twin Otter aircrafts throughout the Maldives.

This includes aircrafts from different series'; 39 300s, three 400s, one 200, and one 100.

ZIG is a diverse investment group with enterprises in finance, automobile trade, real estate, and manufacturing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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