K. Male'
20 Apr 2019 | Sat 21:05
Leading global startup workshop kicks off in Maldives
Leading global startup workshop kicks off in Maldives
Lean Startup Machine
Leading global startup workshop kicks off in Maldives
The 3 day workshop will conclude on 21 April
Lean Startup Machine proceeds in over 150 cities around the globe

Leading global startup workshop, “Lean Startup Machine” has kicked off in the Maldives.

A collaborative initiative of local telecommunications giant Dhiraagu and Sparkhub, the machine is a workshop that commenced on 20th April and is set to conclude within three days. The intensive three-day workshop is to teach recent startup businesses lean technologies, applications and customer-oriented business models.

The workshop aims to cover a curriculum for startups by teaching the lean technologies, mostly emphasizing on the importance of validating ideas before they are put into effect. Participants will be taught multiple business concepts and to identify which one has the most potential.

While they will be equipped with a valuable framework of tools, techniques and resources that have been formed to help fresh startups to take the right first steps, the process of acquiring identifying their customers towards forming a sustainable business, before the bigger steps are taken.

Dhiraagu revealed that certified facilitators will carry out the workshop. As such, it will be supported by Code Army, the Regional Partners of Lean Startup Machine.

Minister of Higher Education Dr Ibrahim Hassan joined the ceremony as the Chief Guest. The ceremony was also joined by Dhiraagu CEO and Managing Director Ismail Rasheed, SparkHub’s CEO Hussain Jinaan and senior management staff of both companies.

While this is the first time such an initiative has been taken in the Maldives, Lean Startup Machine takes place in over 150 cities around the world.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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