K. Male'
13 Mar 2019 | Wed 11:11
Entrance to the MIRA headquarters in capital city Malé
Entrance to the MIRA headquarters in capital city Malé
Azmoon Ahmed
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
State generated 1.27 billion in February: MIRA
The state received 793 million from levying goods and services tax, and 57 million from business profit tax

The state received income of over USD 1.2 billion in February, the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) says. 

MIRA revealed this on Tuesday, also showing that this is 0.8 percent higher than the amount made in February 2018. 

MIRA attributes the amount to income from business profit taxes, tax on goods and services, and green tax. 

The state received 793 million from levying goods and services tax, and 57 million from business profit tax. 

MIRA’s statistics show that they have generated over 3.3 billion, this year.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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