K. Male'
17 Feb 2017 | Fri 04:03
Dhiraagu Head Office: Dhiraagu will disburse MVR 1.1 bln as dividend
Dhiraagu Head Office: Dhiraagu will disburse MVR 1.1 bln as dividend
Dhiraagu earnings
Dhiraagu to disburse MVR 1.1 bln as dividend
Dividend per share at MVR 14.37 for 2016

Dhiraagu PLC Director’s Board has passed to disburse a total sum of MVR 1.1 billion as dividends for 2016. The figure will be put forward to the shareholders for approval prior to disbursing it.

Speaking in a press conference in Dhiraagu Head Office, Managing Director and CEO Ismail Rasheed said therefore dividend per share is at MVR 14.37.

This includes the MVR 5.92 disbursed last year as interim dividend and MVR 8.45 as final dividend for 2016. Last year, MVR 449,920,000 was disbursed as interim dividend. MVR 642, 200,000 will be disbursed as final dividend for the year.

The company was first listed in 2011. Since then, Dhiraagu had made impressive gains in terms of share sales, share price increments and financial performance. In the last five years, Dhiraagu had given consistent share earnings to their shareholders.

In the same period, Dhiraagu had upgraded their product range to state of the art services, with around MVR 1.6 billion in investments. The company now boasts of 500,000 customers.

CEO Ismail Rasheed said the secret of their success was the support and loyalty of their customers and the trust of their shareholders as well as their dedicated staff.


Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv