K. Male'
13 Feb 2019 | Wed 17:58
MMA Governor Ali Naseer
MMA Governor Ali Naseer
Maldives Monetary Authority
'Global Money Week' activities commence in the Maldives
Aim is to create more economic awareness among children and youth
It is a global campaign inspiring young learners about the value of money

Maldives Monetary Authorty (MMA) has decided to celebrate Global Money Week across the Maldives, reveals Governor Ahmed Naseer.

In a video message publicized by the Facebook page designated for Global Money Week in the Maldives, Governor Naseer revealed MMA’s decision to lead activities related to the Global Money Week.

Stating that the activities are aimed at increasing economic awareness among children and youth as well as teaching children on the importance and value of money. Governor Naseer went on to state that it is of utmost importance to teach children the value and good use of money at a young age.

Global Money Week is a global financial awareness campaign built to inspire children and youth to learn about value of money, livelihoods and entrepreneurship, and is to be held from March 25 to 31.

It is an initiative of Child and Youth Finance International and has been running since 2012.

This year’s Global Money Week is to be led by MMA in partnership with Education Ministry and other financial institutions.

Some of this year’s activities leading up to Global Money week include art competitions, creating video skits and a business forum targeted for young business owners in collaboration with local schools.

The activities will conclude with a children’s evening.

Activities will be shared via their Facebook page. Some of them include a “Like and Share” promotion which carries the prize of a MVR 5,000 note to every weekly winner.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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