K. Male'
14 Jan 2019 | Mon 17:58
During the walk held in commemoration of International Women\'s Day 2018
During the walk held in commemoration of International Women's Day 2018
National Women's Chamber of Commerce
Economic Ministry to form National Women's Chamber of Commerce
Deadline for membership applications is before 12pm of 20th January

The Ministry of Economic Development has on Monday opened the opportunity to form a National Women’s Chamber of Commerce Maldives (NWCCM) as well as opportunity for interested individuals to apply for membership.

The Ministry via a statement revealed that the objective of forming this institution is to observe and acknowledge the difficulties and hardships local female entrepreneurs face and to open opportunities for women’s economic growth with the joint efforts by the government, international communities and institutions.

Those who are interested in forming NWCCM will be provided assistance by the Ministry, with the Ministry having opened a window for membership applications.

The deadline for membership applications is 20th January, 12pm.

Individuals are to submit their full name, contact number, e-mail address, ID copy, their curriculum vitae and the name of the current institution they represent, if they represent any.

Economic Ministry has scheduled an assembly for all applicants to take place on the 26th of January.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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