K. Male'
31 Jul 2018 | Tue 15:21
Award was accepted on behalf of Bank of Maldives by two of its employees
Award was accepted on behalf of Bank of Maldives by two of its employees
BML Award
Bank of Maldives again ranked among Asia's best employers
Award was given on Tuesday
Award ceremony was in Singapore
Bank of Maldives is the largest bank and one of the largest employers in the Maldives

Bank of Maldives’ progressive human resources policies have once again earned the Bank “Asia’s Best Employer Brand” award from the World HRD Congress and the Employer Branding Institute.

At Tuesday's official awards ceremony in Singapore which was attended by more than 300 human resources professionals from across the Asia-Pacific region, BML was recognized for its commitment to people and its progressive policies in the areas of recruiting, developing and retaining talent.

The award was accepted on behalf of Bank of Maldives by Director of People and Change Sahar Waheed and Internal Communications Manager Fathimath Maisha Adam.

Sahar commented, “We are delighted to have won the Best Employer Brand award again this year. As an organization we realize the critical importance of having a motivated capable and customer-focused workforce. I would like to thank the Bank’s HR team who have worked tirelessly to bring this award back to the Maldives again. Their professionalism is second to none and they are assisted greatly by our team of managers and staff in BML who understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration in creating the right work environment in our organization”.

Bank of Maldives is the largest bank and one of the largest employers in the Maldives with the vast majority of its staff base being Maldivians. With a nationwide network of branches, relationship managers, self-service banking centres(ATMs), point of sale merchants and agents across all 20 atolls complemented by a full suite of digital banking services, 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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