K. Male'
21 Jul 2018 | Sat 12:19
Mr Ismail Rasheed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dhiraagu speaking to Angelhack participants
Mr Ismail Rasheed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dhiraagu speaking to Angelhack participants
Dhiraagu kicks off 'global hackathon series' in Maldives
Maldives will be part of 60 hackathons over the period 3 months
This is first ever hackthon this magnitude to be lanched in Maldives

Dhiraagu and Sparkhub present Angelhack, the world's largest global hackathon series in Maldives. ​​

Angelhack Maldives, organized by Dhiraagu and Sparkhub has commenced today on 21st July. Brilliant minds from all over the country joining the global hackathon series in the Maldives, will code to build, test and launch new & innovative solutions over the course of 2 days under the theme Seamless Technology.

Speaking at the opening ceremony held at Hotel Jen today, Mr Ismail Rasheed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dhiraagu said “Youth empowerment is a key focus area in Dhiraagu’s CSR programme. Dhiraagu role in Angelhack stems from their focus on providing opportunities for young people to realize their full potential and take on tomorrow through learning, innovation and doing. 

Ali Haris, Managing Partner of Sparkhub, also spoke at the event and noted that "As we witness the extensive expansion of the ICT industry, it becomes imperative that local talent is given the opportunity to develop and grow beyond boarders.

Ratish Narayanan from AngelHack said that they aim to encourage developers, designers and entrepreneurs to become holistic and well-rounded developers. AngelHack adventures across the globe for the yearly Global Hackathon Series. This year, they will hit six continents, bridging the gap between Silicon Valley and developers, designers & entrepreneurs all over the world together.

This is the first time in Maldives an opportunity as such would be made available for the tech community to grow further and with this, we are opening the tech community of Maldives to the Silicon Valley

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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