K. Male'
11 Jun 2018 | Mon 21:53
Local market
Local market
Local Market Prices
Watermelon prices hike in local market
A kilogram of watermelons has hiked to MVR 60 nearing the end of the fasting month of Ramadan
Five days ago, a kilogram of watermelon was priced at MVR 40 at the local market
Tuna prices in the local fish market have also risen following scarcity of stock

The price of watermelons has hiked further in the local market in capital city Male’.
A kilogram of watermelon hiked to MVR 60 nearing the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.
Merchants at the local market report that the price hike came following a drop in arrivals from suppliers in outlying islands.
Five days ago, a kilogram of watermelon was priced at MVR 40..
Prices of other items available at the local market include cucumbers for MVR 45 and cabbages for MVR 35. Pomegranates are priced at MVR 80 per kilogram and a kilogram of chilies is available for MVR 400. Other items include a kilogram of papaya for MVR 30 and a kilogram of lime for MVR 35.
According to merchants selling watermelon, their prices are predicted to hike even more in the next few days.
With the hike in watermelon prices in the local market, tuna prices in the local fish market have also risen due to low availability. A kilogram of Tuna is available between MVR 40 and MVR 60.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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