K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 12:42
STO has changed the price of diesel five times this year.
STO has changed the price of diesel five times this year.
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Diesel Prices
STO increases price of diesel
The price of diesel was increased by 10 laari
The retail price of a liter will now be MVR 11.23
The last change in price was brought brought last month

The State Trading Organization (STO) announced on Thursday that it has increased its price of diesel.

The price of diesel was increased by 10 laari, and the retail price of a liter will now be MVR 11.23.

Diesel had been avaialble for 11.13 and the last change in price was brought brought last month.

In January, diesel cost MVR 10.41 per liter and it was increase to 10.21 in March.

STO has changed the price of diesel five times this year.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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