K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 17:44
Winner Aishath Zeena was given a MVR 50,000 cash price
Winner Aishath Zeena was given a MVR 50,000 cash price
BML draws and selects 'Lui Loan Promotion' winner
Winner Aishath Zeena was given a MVR 50,000 cash price
Zeena was among 2,300 individuals that participated in the promotion
The bank’s soft loan program allowed for borrowing of amounts between MVR 20,000 and 100,000

The Bank of Maldives has on Monday drawn lots to select the winner of their ‘Lui Loan Promotion’.

Winner Aishath Zeena was given a MVR 50,000 cash price. Zeena was among the over 2,300 individuals that participated in the promotion.

To have participated in it, one must be a Bank of Maldives customer that has acquired service from the bank’s soft loan program.

The bank’s soft loan program allowed for borrowing of amounts between MVR 20,000 and MVR 100,000.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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