K. Male'
02 Apr 2018 | Mon 11:28
Water cases being brought to a shop; Malé City to allow 24-hour businesses
Water cases being brought to a shop; Malé City to allow 24-hour businesses
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Malé City
Maldives' capital to bring back 24-hour businesses
Shops, cafés, and restaurants to be open 24/7
Economic ministry's deputy said that they are currently completing the required procedures
The change comes after introducing a new regulation for cargo transportation in the city

Following the new regulation for cargo transportation in the capital city, authorities have announced plans to extend the closing time for shops, cafés and restaurants.

In an announcement on Thursday, the Transport Authority had said established a new regulation for cargo transportation in Malé City, restricting businesses to do so only after 6pm.

Speaking to the state media on Sunday, deputy minister at the ministry, Adam Thaufeeg, announced plans to allow 24-hour businesses, and that they are currently completing the final procedures.

He added that this will be introduced “only after establishing substantial regulations”.

Speaking on the sudden change, Thaufeeg said that the decision was made “due to the changes in people’s lives”.

In addition, authorities plan to extend the closing times of gas stations as well.

Back in 2010, former President Mohamed Nasheed’s government had issued permits for 24-hour businesses, which was banned by his successor, former President Mohamed Waheed, in 2012.

Maldives’ capital, Malé City is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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