K. Male'
27 Mar 2018 | Tue 01:54
Food and Beverage Show
Food and Beverage Show
Highrise Pvt Ltd
Food and Beverage Show
Food and Beverage Show to be held in May
The two-day event is hosted annually by local event management company Highrise
The F&B Show is open for any food supply to showcase their products

The Food and Beverage Show (F&B Show) has been scheduled for May 3 at the National Art Gallery.

The two-day event is hosted annually by local event management company Highrise.

The F&B Show is open for any food supply to showcase their products.

15 companies participated in last year’s show, including major suppliers such as Hobson's Choice, Fancy Foods, Euro Stores, The Berry Company, Lily International, Ondhigo, United Food Suppliers, Divine, Dine and Lotus.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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