K. Male'
27 Feb 2018 | Tue 18:45
Bank of Maldives press conference
Bank of Maldives press conference
Bank of Maldives
BML to launch internship program
This initiative is going to open doors for a lot of young learners to acquire skills and increase their productivity
Interns will gain a pathway to 'permanent employment' with the Bank
Deadline for applications is set at March 6

Bank of Maldives has initiated a graduate internship program for top graduates of local higher education institutions on Tuesday. 

Speaking in a press conference held on Tuesday to announce the initiation, BML's deputy CEO Mohamed Shareef had said that the internship is a 12 month program open for top students and graduates of all participating colleges in 'BML prospect', the Bank's partnership with higher education institutions.

Interns will have the opportunity to work in any department of the Bank of Maldives and will have oppotunities to develop inventive skills required in job experience, will increase their productivity and interns will gain a "pathway to permanent employment with the Bank".

According to a statement released by the bank earlier today, 'Each intern will be allocated a mentor to guide them through their time at the Bank and upon successfully completing the program, they will be eligible to apply for full-time positions at the Bank.'

"It gives us great pleasure to be able to initiate such a program for students and graduates of higher education institutions. Under this program students will gain job experience, creative skills and will be following instructions of mentors allocated to each one of them. This initiative opens doors for interns to join the team with permanent employment" said the 'people and change' director at the Bank.

Deadline for applications is set at March 6. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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