K. Male'
12 Feb 2018 | Mon 13:32
The forum is to be held on 3rd May
The forum is to be held on 3rd May
'Maldives HR Forum'
CMA opens opportunity to participate in 'Maldives HR Forum'
The forum aims at bolstering cooperation among individuals that work in human rights
The forum is to be held on 3rd May
Experts from Europe and North America

The Corporate Academy of Maldives has opened the opportunity for interested parties to participate in its upcoming ‘Maldives HR Forum’.

The forum aims at bolstering cooperation among individuals that work in human rights at companies in the country, and to promote education and awareness pertaining to the industry.

The forum is to be held on 3rd May, and the deadline for submissions is set at March 15th. The fee for participation is USD 100.

Experts from Europe and North America will reportedly speak at the forum.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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