K. Male'
31 Dec 2017 | Sun 08:12
M7 Print
M7 Print
M7 Print
M7 Print: In service for 25 years!
M7 Print was launched 25 years ago
It was then called 'SM Stationeries'
It has since opened a bookshop in the capital Malé City

M7 Print, which was launched 25 years ago, has ever since been working with small photocopy machine gifted by Dhamas Solih. It was then called ‘SM Stationeries’.

However, its name changed to M7 Print in 2002.

While it started out small, it has since opened a bookshop in the capital Malé City, M7 Bookshop.

The company which started out as a small business, now employs its own staff members.

Some of the services available at M7 Print include banner printing, offset printing and digital printing.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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