K. Male'
06 Dec 2017 | Wed 14:05
Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) Headquarters: Moody's had indicated that a ratings push will only be possible after lowering debt
Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) Headquarters: Moody's had indicated that a ratings push will only be possible after lowering debt
State of the Economy
Moody’s indicates ratings push for Maldives if debt is lowered
Moody’s had not increased ratings for Maldives
IMF had expressed concern over debt situation
Finance Minister had likened IMF, other international bodies to imperial aggressors

Ratings giant Moody’s has indicated that they would consider raising ratings for the Maldives if fiscal deficit is lowered.

Moody’s said that if the deficit continues to increase, then it will impact the ability for the nation to borrow. At 65.7 per cent of GDP in 2016, debt is significantly above the median for B-rated sovereigns and will likely rise further over the next two to three years, with the planned implementation of large public-sector infrastructure projects.

Moody’s added the recent sale of bonds worth US$ 50 million will not impact the current B-2 rating issued to the Maldives. The ratings giant indicated that a change in the current rating will only happen when the Government brings in changes to debt and diversify the economy’s productive base. It also highlighted that political sphere must become stable to allow economic progress.

Noting the high reliance on tourism sector, Moody’s said that a natural or political change in the nation can negatively impact ratings.

The Maldives' B2 issuer rating reflects Moody's assessment of low economic, government financial and institutional strengths, and moderate susceptibility to event risk.

While Moody’s had highlighted on debt, International Monetary Fund (IMF) had been expressing concern over the debt situation for years. In response to this, Finance Minister Munawwar had expressed his distaste, likening IMF and other similar organizations to imperial aggressors.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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