K. Male'
20 Dec 2024 | Fri 02:38
As part of Maldives Immigration's efforts to seek out expatriates residing illegally in the Maldives
As part of Maldives Immigration's efforts to seek out expatriates residing illegally in the Maldives
Operation Kurangi
Information collected from over 18,000 expats as part of Operation Kurangi
The ministry, Maldives Police Service (MPS), and Maldives Immigration are working together to resolve the expatriate issue
The operation is divided into phases
Audio of the News

The Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has stated that biometric data of more than 18,000 expatriates have been collected so far in ‘Operation Kurangi’, which is being conducted to gather information on foreign workers in the Maldives.

‘Operation Kurangi’ was launched on 2 May 2024 as the first phase of efforts to find a permanent solution to the issue of illegal expatriates in the Maldives.

The purpose of the first phase of the operation is to ensure that all expatriates in the Maldives are working within the legal framework.

Regarding ‘Operation Kurangi,’ State Minister Abdul Majeed Ibrahim said that biometric data of 18,919 expatriates have been collected so far, and the work has been initiated in 194 islands, with 50 islands having completed the process.

The main objective of ‘Operation Kurangi’ is to find a permanent solution to the issue of illegal foreign workers residing in the Maldives. According to the ministry, the operation will involve taking fingerprints of expatriates working in the Maldives and verifying whether the foreign worker is employed under the laws and regulations established in the Maldives.

The information for the operation is being collected by setting up biometric data collection facilities at council offices. Minister Ali Ihusaan earlier stated that a main registry of expatriates will be compiled based on this information.

Divided into phases, the operation, which aims to solve the issue of illegal expatriates within three years, will, in its first phase, collect information on foreign workers. However, instead of taking action against them, it will provide an opportunity for illegal expatriates who wish to regularize their status to do so.

The ministry stated that after the completion of the first phase, biometric identification will be created for expatriates staying without official documentation illegally, and they will be repatriated to their countries in collaboration with their respective embassies.

The ministry, Maldives Police Service (MPS), and Maldives Immigration are working together to resolve the expatriate issue.

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