K. Male'
23 Jul 2024 | Tue 19:45
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu taking part in the 'India Out' rally
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu taking part in the 'India Out' rally
India’s assistance to Maldives
No increase in outlay for Maldives in India’s external aid portfolio for next year
Nepal is set to receive the maximum contribution
Nepal has been allocated INR 700 crore
INR 400 crore has been allocated for Maldives from 2024-2025

There has not been an increase in the outlay for the government of Maldives in neighboring India’s external aid portfolio for 2025.

The government of the neighboring country has fixed the outlay from their external aid portfolio for foreign countries at the same rate for Maldives, however, the amount was increased significantly for Nepal, Sri Lanka and Seychelles.

Indian media outlets have reported that the country's need for aid was taken into account while increasing the amount of aid provided to foreign countries.

Nepal is set to receive the maximum contribution from the region in India’s external aid portfolio for next year.

Nepal has been allocated INR 700 crore, which is 150 crore higher than last year.

INR 245 crore has been allocated for Sri Lanka, which is 95 crore higher than the previous year.

India has in the past provided USD four billion in aid to Sri Lanka, which is facing serious economic problems, to revive the country's economy.

Seychelles was allocated an additional INR 30 crore from this concluding year.

Indian media outlets have reported that the amount allocated for Afghanistan remains the same.

INR 400 crore has been allocated for Maldives from 2024-2025.

The revised budget for 2023-2024 saw INR 770.90 crore provided to the island nation as aid.

Last updated at: 1 month ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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