K. Male'
20 Jul 2024 | Sat 17:45
Fishermen protesting over the massive delay in settling their dues
Fishermen protesting over the massive delay in settling their dues
Government’s injustice towards fishermen
Yameen calls out Muizzu administration for neglecting catch from fishers advocating for their rights
The price for a kilogram of fish, has been slashed
The government’s policy paves the way for serious questions if even “Garudhiya and Rice” will be within reach
MIFCO does not have a steady supply of fish

Former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, who is an estranged ally of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, has called out the Muizzu administration for its failure in buying catch from fishermen protesting for their rights

Yameen said this while speaking at a gathering of the People’s National Front (PNF) on Thursday night. He was a close associate of President Muizzu and played a massive role in his presidential campaign, before a rift tore them apart after Muizzu came into power. Yameen has since split from the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People's National Congress (PNC) coalition and spearheaded the formation of PNF.

Speaking from the audience, Yameen stated that the Muizzu administration has continuously violated the rights of fishermen and is avoiding buying fish from the boats of fishermen who have been actively voicing their concerns regarding their rights.

Stressing that although the fishers that step up and fight for their rights are not thrown behind bars for disobeying law enforcement officers, Yameen stated that this has however, resulted in them paying a heavy price. As such, at the end of the day the government punishes them by not buying their catch.

The former president asserted that the incumbent administration is not buying the fish from the fishing boats that participate in the protests against the delay in settling their dues.

Further, Yameen questioned whether the people would even be able to access “Garudhiya” a flavorful fish delicacy in the Maldives that can be described as a clear fish broth, if the government’s policy continues on a downward spiral.

He said this as a jab at Minister at the President’s Office Ali Arif, who recently made a disparaging suggestion to citizens to return to “simpler” means of living by eating traditional “Garudhiya and Rice” meals to deal with the ongoing financial crisis in the Maldives. This churned public outcry and kindled a storm of reactions on social media by members of the public accusing the government of hypocrisy.

We can only eat Garudhiya and Rice if there is steady access to fish. Weighing of about 38 percent of the catch has gone down of recent. Raw fish is bought for about MVR 14 per kilogram. If it is iced fish, about MVR 15 per kilogram. Many boats have not been able to set off for fishing, due to the hike in diesel prices. MIFCO doesn’t have any fish now. Raw fish is priced above MVR 80 per kg. One kg of chicken is priced at MVR 40. So, the government has neglected the fish instead of jailing the fishermen for protesting for their rights and disobeying the orders of the police”
Abdulla Yameen, former president.

Noting that the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Ltd (MIFCO) does not have a steady supply of fish, Yameen stressed that the price of fish is currently tagged at MVR 80 per kilogram.

Having painted a mesmerizing picture for the community, Muizzu came into power with huge promises made to fishermen.

Some of the many promises he made to the fisher community include ensuring their rights as well as paying them for catch upfront.

Yameen said that despite embedding this “ideal” picture into fishermen’s minds, the incumbent administration has slashed the price of fish bought from fishing boats and significantly increased the price of oil.

Due to the massive hike in diesel prices, Yameen said that boats no longer head out for fishing.

Muizzu also promised that the government would make it possible for fishermen to get fuel at affordable rates, going on to promise that they would begin purchasing yellowfin tuna for MIFCO as well.

However, fishermen have been stressing that the government is yet to fulfil any of these promises, and bring life to the picture painted before coming into power.

At a time Yameen has claimed that the incumbent administration does not purchase catch from fishermen advocating for their rights, recently, Yellowfin Tuna fishermen protested against the delay in paying their dues, in capital Hulhumalé and Malé City.

Further, the fisher community in southernmost Addu City and Kudahuvadhoo also staged a series of similar protests over the government’s failure to deliver on the pledges made to them before coming into power.

The protesting fishermen have asserted this is the most tyrannical regime observed in the recent history of the island nation.

Muizzu had back then assured that if he is elected, fishermen would be paid in US dollars for their catch within the first 48 hours.

Eight months since assuming office, the incumbent administration has failed embarrassingly in delivering promises made to the community, with fishermen saying that they do not know what happened to all the “big talk”.

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