K. Male'
18 Jun 2024 | Tue 15:43
Criminal Court
Criminal Court
Eid-day violence
Eid-day violence: arrested were youth between 19 – 25 years
Three are native to the capital and one from Dharanboodhoo island of Faafu atoll
Four suspects have been remanded pending sentencing
All four have criminal records

The individuals arrested for involvement in gang violence on the day of Eid-al-Adha were between 19 – 25 years of age.

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) revealed that four Maldivian men were arrested from capital Malé City for being involved in a gang violence, near Dharubaaruge region.

The Criminal Court ordered to remand them pending sentencing, upon being presented for their remand hearing.

Further investigations are currently underway in connection with the case.

In its order, the court revealed that a 19-year-old native to Dharanboodhoo island of Faafu atoll and a 20-year-old, a 21-year-old and a 25-year-old native to capital Malé City were arrested in connection with the gang violence.

They were charged with involvement in gang violence, using sharp and dangerous weapons.

They are being held in a custodial prison, until the end of the investigation.

The court revealed that sufficient evidence has been submitted against the suspects, to prove that the four suspects were involved in the crime.

As such, details of the incidence report, CCTV footage, snapshots from CCTV footages, photos of the scene and photos of the victim were submitted.

The detention order was issued in view of Article 49 of the Constitution of Maldives and Section 16(a) of the Constitution of Maldives (Prohibition of Intimidation and Possession of Dangerous Weapons and Sharp Objects Act), as the court believes the safety of the community will be compromised if they are released on bail.

The reason for the detention is that the condition of detention is considered to be in accordance with Section 16(b)(2) of the Prevention of Unlawful Activities Act, Prohibition of Intimidation and Possession of Dangerous Weapons and Sharp Objects Act, and Section 1(c) (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to trial.

The court also ruled that the accused were arrested in accordance with the legal mandate, and in accordance with the procedure clarified in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The suspects have not raised any questions regarding their arrest.

The court order goes on to read that the judge has outlined what needs to be taken into consideration while ordering the remand of the accused.

All four suspects have a criminal record and an arrest log.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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