K. Male'
21 May 2024 | Tue 16:24
Addu City's reclaimed region
Addu City's reclaimed region
Ahmed Faris
Shelter for Senior Citizens
Gov't to build shelter for senior citizens in Addu City
The government will implement a programme rewarding points to individuals who live with or care for senior citizens in newly established housing schemes
The president resolved to amend the laws and regulations protecting the rights of senior citizens
The facility will be named “Isravvehinge Hiyaavahi”

The government is to build a shelter for senior citizens, in southernmost Addu City.

This was announced by the President’s Office on Monday.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu reached the decision following a meeting with his Cabinet of Ministers on Sunday.

The facility will be named “Isravvehinge Hiyaavahi” which translated means “Shelter for Senior Citizens”, in Feydhoo district of Addu City.

The President’s Office revealed that the facility aims to provide quality services in an environment where senior citizens in need of care and are lacking family support can spend their days happy and content, at the shelter.

The decision stems from deliberations on a paper submitted by the Ministry of Social and Family Development at Sunday’s cabinet meeting.

With this decision, the government will implement a programme rewarding points to individuals who live with or care for senior citizens in newly established housing schemes which will in turn allow families to live with seniors.

Further, the president resolved to amend the laws and regulations protecting the rights of senior citizens.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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